Kathrine’s Switzer’s Interview
Title: 261- The fearless woman in the face of adversity
Interview Description: Kathrine’s Switzer is an icon figure in women’s sports. Known for her entry into the Boston Marathon 1967 being the first woman to complete. In that race, the 1967 Boston Marathon, she was physically attacked by the race co-director for officially registering and running in what was then considered a men’s only race spurring her life long career of activism for females in sports.
Show Notes:
- Ran the Boston Marathon for her 50 year anniversary from her 1967 debut
- “Running breaks down universal communication barriers”
- “So many women are afraid to step out of their fearbox. Running allows us to take the first step”
- Feels the shift in focus on health has helped women last longer in their running career
- Running helps with mental health and busts the stress
- 261- fearless in the face of adversity
Where you can find out more information on Kathrine Switzer
- Kathrine’s website- http://kathrineswitzer.com/
- Be sure to check out her book Marathon Woman- http://kathrineswitzer.com/store/
- Become a 261 Fearless member- http://www.261fearless.org/about-261/
- Hear Kathrine talk about her journey breaking the stereotypes of women runners-https://www.makers.com/kathrine-switzer

So you know she is legit:
Author. Activist. Athlete.
President, Marathon Woman and AtAlanta Sports
Promotions, Inc.
Career Highlights:
- Inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in October 2011 for creating positive global social change
- Winner, 1974 NYC Marathon
- Broke Gender Barrier at 1967 Boston Marathon
- Emmy Award-winning TV commentator
- Author, MARATHON WOMAN (DaCapo Press), Running and Walking for Women Over 40, the Road to Sanity and Vanity (St. Martin’s Press), co-author 2 Marathon Stories (Rodale Press)
- Founder, Avon Running Global Women’s Circuit
- Winner of Abebe Bikila Award for Global Contribution to Sport of Running from New York Road Runners
- First class of inductees into the National Distance Running Hall of Fame
- Named one of the Visionaries of the Century (2000) and a Hero of Running (2012), and Runner of the Decade (1966-76) by Runners World Magazine
The Boston Marathon
Her work began accidentally 45 years ago when she was the first woman to officially enter the Boston Marathon when it was considered a men’s only race. She campaigned to make women official in the Boston Marathon in 1972 and later that year was one of the creators of the first women’s road race.
Switzer went on to run 39 marathons, and won the New York City Marathon in 1974. She ran her personal best in 1975, finishing second in Boston (2:51:33). She then put her substantial energies into creating the Avon International Running Circuit of women’s only races in 27 countries with over a million participating from 1978 to the present time. It was this series of events, which showed global participation and performances that largely convinced the IOC to include a women’s marathon in the 1984 Olympic Games.
TV Commentator/ Keynote Speaker
Switzer is now an Emmy award-winning TV commentator and has covered the Olympic Games, World and National Championships as well as the New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and every televised edition of the Boston Marathon (36 consecutive years!).She has appeared on Oprah, Nightline, CBS Evening News, Tonight, Today, Good Morning America, the BBC, CBC, PBS, and many other electronic and print outlets.
Marathon Woman, Switzer’s award-winning memoir, was first published in 2007. Her other books include 26.2 Marathon Stories, co-authored with her husband, Roger Robinson and best-selling Running and Walking for Women Over 40.
Still Running
Just completing the New York Marathon at age 70!