Aging Gracefully… how about Graciously

Is your age really just a number?

Aging gracefully or whatever the heck that means. It seems that aging gracefully is a crock of you-know-what. Everywhere you turn there is skin cream supplements and workouts that are supposed to be the “Fountain of Youth”. So how are you supposed to age gracefully when all you’re supposed to do is fight against it? Expect our bodies to resemble the same shape and health that it had in its twenties?  Let’s not forget the fact that it possibly has carried multiple pregnancies, served you through some of the most stressful times in your life, and had years of hormone surging through it.

Remove the fear in Aging

However, what if you view aging as this: instead of aging gracefully as aging graciously. You see you’re still alive from your 20s! Having multiple babies now to hold on to and those hormones allowed you to be the fierce woman that you are today. When you look at the definition of graceful it defines as natural. Therefore, within its definition, we are to let our body take its natural course and give gratitude for the course your body has carried you on. Your body protected you and gave you the strength during those most stressful times. My body is not shaped the same way it was but I have to be kind to it as it allowed me to be able to bring into this world a spunky little daughter. Keeping those Blue Zone principles in mind as to what is your purpose, pleasure and pride.

OWN that Number

As my hair has been infiltrated with these hairs that I like to call Bling. I look at my daughter and see the hair that I once had and how beautiful it looks on her. My wrinkles define the years of laughter shared with family and friends. I may not be as fast as I once was but I’m approaching 40 and still feel strong and invigorated. My arms are strong enough to lift her up and provide big hugs.  Knowing how to stay fueled and feel confident in what I’m working with! Besides who’s going to put their 5K PR on their tombstone?

Along the lines of one my favorite songs Strawberry Wine “I remember when thirty was old. ” Now I take the perspective of ” I remember when thirty was when I just got started!”