Motherhood is an Action Sport! Interview with Courtney Wycoff from Momma Strong

Motherhood is definitely an action sport! Courtney, Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist shares about her postpartum experience of injury and postpartum depression and how it led her to create the Momma Strong Program. Momma Strong’s purpose is to redefine the scope of prenatal and postpartum health through specialized intelligent fitness. Courtney openly discusses motherhood, self care and how showing up is good enough.

  • Our Pelvic Floor is super important to us as women. Your body cannot perform if the pelvic floor is not integrated. That is the root of all of your movement especially as a woman.
  • Our brain and body our ever connected and when we are struggling injury or pain postpartum than can affect our mood. Listen to the pain and be your own detective about your body.
  • Momma Strong is committed to the business of enoughism, which is the belief that you don’t need fixing, but that you deserve integration.
  • You don’t have time for anything extra and Momma Strong gets motherhood and gets that. Become stronger more effectively and efficiently with Momma Strong.

So You Know She Is Legit…

Courtney’s exposure to biomechanics and rehabilitative exercise started in her early childhood, as an elite level gymnast, kayaker, and ballet dancer. At age 16, she left home to pursue her professional career with The Houston Ballet, where she remained for 5 years until a severe ankle injury forced her to retire.  After retirement, she transitioned immediately into a two-year course of study in rehabilitative exercise and Pilates, under the supervision of nationally renowned Pilates instructors Bryan Peters and James Harren, who had trained with the original colleague of Joseph Pilates himself. She then earned her certification through the Pilates Method Alliance and became a top-rated trainer for the following 6 years.  Following the birth of her first child, however, she began to suffer from injuries related to pregnancy and childbirth, none of which her prior core training was able to resolve. This realization led her to study with Thomas Myers, Yamuna Zake, Esther Gokhale, and Stuart McGill, all prominent leaders in the field of spine health and pelvic stabilization.  From there, Courtney became certified as a personal trainer through National Academy of Sports Medicine and soon after was granted their advanced certification as a Corrective Exercise Specialist. She also carries a Prenatal and Postpartum specialization from NASM and multiple certifications in pelvic rehabilitation, injury prevention, and activated release therapy. Her unique method as taught in MommaStrong is the product of this comprehensive background, helping mothers all over the world finely tone their body’s through clinically approved, and feasible workouts that instigate an adventurous life through strength that matters.

Additionally, Courtney has a BA from Lesley College in Social Change and the Arts and is currently embarking on a designation as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor

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