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Motherhood is an Action Sport! Interview with Courtney Wycoff from Momma Strong
Motherhood is an Action Sport! Interview with Courtney Wycoff from Momma Strong

Motherhood is definitely an action sport! Courtney, Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist shares about her postpartum experience of injury and postpartum depression and how it led her to create the Momma Strong Program. Momma Strong’s purpose is to redefine the scope of prenatal and postpartum health through specialized intelligent fitness.

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What is this thing the pelvic floor?
What is this thing the pelvic floor?

This is Part 1 of a 2 part interview with the lovely Nicole DeBrie, physical therapist to women. Today she speaks about the importance of the pelvic floor in women’s health and being active as well as what happens to our body when we carry and deliver a baby. Kara shares her story of the difficulty of ‘bouncing back’ after having a baby and returning to the running trails.

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261- The fearless woman in the face of adversity
261- The fearless woman in the face of adversity

Kathrine’s Switzer’s Interview Title: 261- The fearless woman in the face of adversity Interview Description: Kathrine’s Switzer is an icon figure in women’s sports. Known for her entry into the Boston Marathon 1967 being the first woman to complete. In that race, the 1967 Boston Marathon, she was physically attacked by the race co-director for officially registering and running in what was then considered a men’s only race spurring her life long career of activism for females in sports.

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Volleyball Tournament Tips to Keep Fueled
Volleyball Tournament Tips to Keep Fueled

It’s tournament time! When the difference between playing in the tournament or going home early may be who has fueled the best! Pre-tournament- Give yourself plenty of time to get a healthy breakfast before the match. Preferably 2 hours or more before your first match. This will set the tone for the rest of the day.

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The Pivot Point to Find Balance
The Pivot Point to Find Balance

Treatment Plan As an eating disorder dietitian who previously worked in a Diabetes clinic the philosophy of treatment is rather similar. When I treat individuals with binge eating we focus on treatment being like a teeter-totter. You won’t always be perfectly situated on the board but we are continually striving for balance.

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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Am I a Hypocrisy After All?
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Am I a Hypocrisy After All?

One of the biggest reasons I love my job is the amazing people I work with and the opportunity to build relationships with them. Their trust in me as their dietitian is that I not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. Many times the statements I have echoed to clients have come back to gnaw in my ear. Humble pie can be a hard slice to swallow. If I am going to be authentic to these incredible yet vulnerable people I MUST do the same. It’s time we look in the mirror and see our true selves!

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Just Eat the Damn Cupcake
Just Eat the Damn Cupcake

It seems we have entered an era that eating a cupcake is either as provocative as Christian Grey or as rebellious to culture norms as Lady Gaga. When did food become so powerful that it now is assigned a moral value: Bad vs good, healthy vs unhealthy, clean vs unclean?

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Binge Eating:  a Self-care Bonking?
Binge Eating: a Self-care Bonking?

Bonking Made me Aware Hitting a wall or bonking is a common term that most any athlete can resonate with as a feeling of sudden fatigue and loss of energy. This occurrence is caused by the depletion of glycogen stores in the liver and muscles. The body cannot maintain sufficient fuel to continue to engage in performance.

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PHIT for a Queen Intro with Becca and Kara Part 2
PHIT for a Queen Intro with Becca and Kara Part 2

Here is a little more information about Becca McConville, MS RD LD CSSD and PHIT for a Queen Co-Host Becca is a board-certified sports dietitian in the Kansas City community specializing in working in the eating disorder field and with athletes that struggle with an eating disorder.

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