by rmcconville | Jun 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
If comparison is the thief of Joy, why hand it over to thieves? In a world filled with: books, blogs, podcasts on how to get the joy back into your life shouldn’t we start with avoiding comparisons? This seems most prevalent in the world of sport. Impressionable young...
by rmcconville | May 30, 2018 | InPower blog, Uncategorized
For a country that prides itself on medicals advancements, we seem to be moving further away from the recipe for true health. I have a go-to question I ask when working with clients. Especially those who struggle with digestion, hunger awareness, satiety...
by rmcconville | May 26, 2018 | Athlete Nutrition Tips, InPower blog, Mindset, Uncategorized
Reframing is an important part of therapy. This helps create a different way of looking at a situation, person, or relationship by changing its meaning. Reframing can help one to look past what the eating disorder has shaped in terms of nutrition, body image, and...
by rmcconville | May 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
Is your age really just a number? Aging gracefully or whatever the heck that means. It seems that aging gracefully is a crock of you-know-what. Everywhere you turn there is skin cream supplements and workouts that are supposed to be the “Fountain of Youth”. So how are...
by rmcconville | May 4, 2018 | Health & Wellness, InPower blog, Uncategorized
Do your Jeans Fit your Genes? Trying to find the perfect jeans without taking into consideration if it fits your “genes”? What we generally fail to recognize is thousands of years of genetic makeup. “Perfect” eating, supplement taking, or hours spent...